SAAB 9-3 (Sedan?) Phoenix.

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Lid geworden op: 25 sep 2009 21.41

SAAB 9-3 (Sedan?) Phoenix.

Bericht door saabomatie1 » 01 feb 2013 16.54

Wat Tim van SAABsUnited over de SAAB 9-3 (Sedan?) Phoenix schreef:SR P4 West publishes images of 9-3 Phoenix

February 1, 2013 in Jason Castriota Design

Swedish Radio P4 West (original story here) has published two images of the Saab 9-3 designed by Jason Castriota.


These images are screenshots of an computer model made in the beginning of 2011, it is an accurate although earlier version of the design. They originate from
a copy of a business plan called Viking presented in May of 2011 which describes the future plans of Saab Automobile and the future products which were
planned for. We’ve had a copy of that business-plan since august 2011, but out of respect for Jason’s work we agreed not to publish any material until such time
he felt was right.

The very reason these images are of such poor quality is that if the business plan is leaked out, it’ll show the car without giving away important details. The
images show the general theme, a 5 door hatch-back, of the car are true but not much more.

While speaking with Jason he told me that the final design was much more athletic and we’re doing and yesterday we launched the first teaser of a story together
we’re doing together on how his car was designed from the first day all the way up until the day of the bankruptcy.

Linkje naar het artikel: ... l#comments .
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